Florence,  Italy,  Travel

What to Do on a Rainy Day in Florence

I recently took two good friends to Florence on a day trip from Milan. All they really wanted to do was walk around and see all of the glorious piazzas and landmarks that make the city look like an open-air museum. Naturally, before we had even finished our morning cappuccinos, a torrential downpour intervened and my improvisational tour guide skills were put to the test.

 Unfortunately, when it comes to travel, you can have a hand in just about everything except the weather. 

We’ve all had days where the forecast pointedly decides not to coordinate with our plans. You wake up feeling energized and excited for your outdoor-oriented itinerary, only to hear the steady patter of rain faithfully hitting the cobblestone streets. Maybe you’re greeted by a sky that’s ominously dark for 9 am or a cluster of foreboding clouds in the distance that seem to say, “oh hello, we’ll be here all day.”

When you’re visiting Florence and the weather towns sour, it may seem like your chance at a lovely visit has just been swept into the Arno. But take it from a girl who moved to the city during a two month period of rain, there are still plenty of ways to soak up the best of the city and have a great time, even when the phrase “sunny Italy” seems like a distant daydream. Whether you’re living abroad or simply passing through, here are a few of my favorite ways to turn a foul florentine forecast into a day well spent.

Get lost in a museum

Luckily Florence is full of museums with rich collections that rival the beauty of the city streets. When the rain is coming down, head to the museum of your choice for an afternoon of culture and art. If you’re in the city during an off-tourist season, you may be able to get into the Uffizi or Academia without waiting in line for hours. The Pitti Palace has a lovely mixture of Renaissance and Modern art – you can tour the royal apartments and/or admire the paintings in the modern art gallery. Otherwise, I’d recommend one of the museums from the post below, which are a little more off the beaten path.

See a film at the Odeon

Tucked behind Piazza della Republica, this charming cinema is the perfect place to spend a rainy afternoon. Opened in 1922, the old school cinema shows a mixture of films in English and Italian. The cinema has hosted a number of Hollywood stars and directors such as Roberto Benigni, Kate Winslet, and Louis Armstrong.

Study Italian or bring a book to a cafe

Heading to a café for the afternoon is such a simple activity but undoubtedly one of my favorite things to do, rain or shine. If the weather is looking bleak, pack a bag of books and head to a cafe in the center. Sip on a cappuccino and munch on a croissant while you cozy up in a Florentine setting. Why not take the opportunity to brush up on your Italian and dive into the confusing chaos of the 21 verb tenses? Some may think that sounds like a nightmare, but if you’re a fellow language lover, you know it’s a delight.

Take a cooking class

This is a great option if you’re visiting Florence for a short time. Sign up for a cooking class and spend the afternoon learning how to make handmade pasta or pizza from scratch. There are plenty of courses to choose from on Airbnb Experiences and ArtViva. You’ll forget the rain, get a dose of culture and pick up a new skill. You could also take a painting class if you’re more interested in the visual arts than culinary arts.

Hit the Central Market

The large rectangular building next to San Lorenzo is worth getting lost in for a few hours. On the first floor, you’ll find rows and rows of colorful fresh produce stands along with counters selling fresh cheese, meat, fish, bread and pasta. It’s a treat simply to look into this window of Florentine life. Upstairs you can grab a bite from one of the many places that border the cafeteria-like setting. Grab a craft beer and handmade pizza or a sweet treat like cannoli. 

Participate in a wine tasting

Rain or shine, you deserve some wine. Another cultural activity centered around your taste buds, wine sampling is delightful pastime you can enjoy indoors. Take a formal wine tasting class or take the operation into your own hands at a cozy little spot in the center such as Il Santino near Santo Spirito or La Divina Enoteca. 

Walk in the rain

As long as it isn’t thundering and lightning like there’s no tomorrow, the city is worth strolling in the rain. I actually love Florence in the rain. The city assumes a different kind of beauty. Be prepared to face off with other brave pedestrians as the skinny sidewalks barely accommodate two people let alone two people with wide umbrellas. Walking down the wet cobblestone streets and enjoying the city in all of its soggy glory is worth the discomfort in my opinion.

I mean if you can’t love her at her worst, you don’t deserve her at her best.