Ciao! I’m Megan and I’m a freelance writer and digital nomad living part-time in Italy. After studying in Florence and falling completely in love with the place, I couldn’t bear the thought of living anywhere else. I actually got jealous when I thought about life in Florence carrying on without me.
I spent four years living here in Florence until the travel bug started planting names of other exotic places in my mind. I decided to let myself love on Italy for half of the year and spend the other half exploring different countries.
On any given day, you can find me getting dressed up to go to art museums, hopping on trains to nearby cities, taking dance classes, and talking to myself in a mixture of English, Italian, and Spanish. I’ve been known to twirl at random, have picked up the habit of talking with my hands, and am on a first-name basis with the entire staff at my local grocery store.
I love writing, fashion, art, learning languages, and spontaneously booking one-way tickets, and this is where I share some of that passion with you. After years of talking about my “future website,” I figured it was time to get it up and running. So anyway. Welcome. I hope you can appreciate this digital platform in all of its messy, imperfect glory.
The goal is to create a space that inspires people in some way – be it through travel tips, lifestyle advice, or personal essays of my own adventures, musings, and mishaps, of which I have plenty. Even if this website just helps one of you out there, it will have been worth the trouble.

Why “Viva Valair?“
My great grandma’s name was Valair, and my parents toyed with the idea of making it my middle name. They decided not to so I’ve given the name to my alter ego. I come from a long line of fun-loving, smart and witty women, Grandma Valair being one of them.
Viva means “long live” in both Italian and Spanish, two languages I speak and two cultures I feel inexplicably connected to.
And so “Viva Valair” is a sassy refrain in favor of free-spirited women, having as much fun as possible while creating life on their terms, whatever they may be.