Inspiration,  Lifestyle

How to Create a Productive Morning Routine

Ever since I was little, I’ve felt that sleeping in late was a grand waste of time.

My mom even had to introduce a rule to keep my brother and me from pounding on our neighbor’s door at the break of dawn to see if our friends could come out and play. I remember sitting on the couch with my brother, impatiently watching cartoons until the clock read 9:00 am, signalling the end of our indoor status. We would hastily lace our tennis shoes, and then race next door to see if our buddies were ready to come outside and play, only for their mom to inform us they were all still sleeping.

Losers. Didn’t they realize how much lemonade we could sell, hide-and-go-seek tag we could play, and how many forts we could build if they would just shake a leg already?

This spirited, childlike energy that fuelled my mornings back then, is exactly the stuff we all need to hang on to. The “no time to waste there is fun to be had and progress to be made” attitude is a telling sign that you’re doing something right. It’s transformative. When you open your eyes and are excited to get up and live, that’s when you know you’re headed in the right direction. When you were 9, it was probably towards the park. Now, it’s probably towards your goals, fulfilment, and purpose.

I’m a big believer in mornings.

You don’t have to be a natural early riser to squeeze more productivity out of your early hours. Even if you’re less like me and more like my drowsy neighbors, you can kick-start your day by waking up just a bit earlier and working the following into your routine little by little. Start by getting up 15 minutes earlier than normal. Then shoot for 20 minutes and keep increasing your alarm time incrementally until you’re satisfied with the way you start your day.

Before you know it, you’ll be crushing your goals in the mornings and setting yourself up for success before you even walk into the office or get the kids off to school. Here are five habits to start incorporating in your morning routine in order to set yourself up for a great day, productive week and milestone year.

Say thank you

When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to write down five things you’re thankful for in your life. By making this connection with all of the things you have to be grateful for, you can shake off any pessimistic vibes that may have snuck into your subconscious mind during your sleep. Getting into a state of gratitude is the best mindset for success because when you’re appreciative of what you have, you open up the floodgates for receiving more good things. It works for Oprah, and I mean, she’s doing alright.


Carving out time first thing in the morning to get quiet and clear your mind can dramatically change your thought patterns and help you handle whatever life throws at you that day. You can start with just 5 minutes a day if you’re a beginner, and honestly, there’s no right way to do it. You don’t have to sit Indian style on a yoga mat or chant “Om” until your lips start tingling. Simply find a comfortable position, set a timer, and focus on inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. If thoughts start to come at you, simply acknowledge them, release them, and focus on your breath again. If you find it hard to focus by yourself, try out a free guided meditation app like Headspace or Simple Habit.

Get goal-oriented

Make a specific list outlining your current long-term goals (think 1-3 years out), and keep it in an accessible location. Read over your goals at least once each morning to keep them fresh in your mind and get yourself focused on them. You can also chunk them down to three or six month increments to make them more manageable. Then, set aside at least 15 minutes for working on them. If your goal is to find a new job that you love and that pays really well, commit yourself to using that time for job scanning or sending in one job application a day. If your goal is to set up your own business, do some brainstorming, email other entrepreneurs for advice, or research marketing strategies.

Just think about how much you can accomplish by spending even an extra 15 minutes each morning…that’s 1 hour and 45 minutes a week, 7 hours a month. Amp it up to 30 minutes and you’re putting in 3.5 hours a week or 14 hours a month. It may not sound like much, but that kind of momentum can really start to make a difference, at least a nice little dent, in getting you closer to where you want to be. Plus, you’ll start the day feeling like you invested in your future.

Move Your Body

Some people dig exercising in the morning and others would rather chew on tin foil and rub a cheese grater on their head (Seinfeld, anyone?). I get it. But getting active in the morning has serious health benefits for both your body and your mind. Even a quick 10 minute workout can help you reboot and kickstart your metabolism to burn fat for the next several hours. If you’re going into an office, it’s especially crucial to move a little in the morning before glueing yourself to a seat all day. If you can, get outside and go for a quick walk. I personally like to kick off the day with 15 minutes of pilates or a quick jog to get my heart rate up. There are a ton of great workout videos on YouTube that are free, effective and easy to do in your home regardless of how limited your space might be. Trust me, I have a studio apartment.

Listen to Something Positive

Yes, keeping up with the news is important, but inundating yourself with negative info straightaway isn’t exactly going to help you get off on the right foot. While you’re getting dressed or putting on your makeup, select a podcast that makes you feel good, listen to a TED talk, or put on some happy music. I’m a big fan of the Zero to Travel podcast (about digital nomads, cool stuff), TED talks about life in general, and The Daily Boost. Find something that ignites your creativity and use the time you spend getting ready for the day to get inspired.

Tidy Up

Tidy spaces leave space for tidy minds. I realize that sounds like a phrase from Poor Richard’s Almanack, but it’s actually just me telling you not to leave your underwear on the floor. Try your best to make your bed in the morning, put your dishes away, and avoid adding to a mountain of discarded clothes. If you leave your house in a tidy state, you’ll be much more relaxed during the day and won’t feel overwhelmed by walking into a pig sty. We aren’t all Monica Gellers, but keeping your living space clean is an important way to take care of yourself.

Even if you just incorporate one of these practices into your a.m. routine, you’ll start to see some gratifying shifts take place in your life. Get to bed at a decent time so you can rise, shine, and set yourself up for success the next day.